Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Students and Staff of the Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) are required to promote responsible use of Board resources and to refrain from unauthorized access or abuse. They are required to use computers and electronic devices for educational, business and communication reasons, and to avoid any use, which has a negative impact on safe, caring and orderly schools.

Each RCDSB school/site has their own procedures for ensuring that all students, staff and appropriate community members and partners are aware of the Administrative Procedure (AP) 141 – Computers: Network, Internet and Electronic Devices.(Link to new section of webpage) 

The RCDSB supports access to information that strengthens learning in our schools. 

While the RCDSB attempts to restrict access to internet sites known to be inappropriate, from time to time, users may be able to obtain access to materials that are or might be

considered to be inappropriate, obscene, abusive, offensive, harassing or illegal. Users are expected to refrain from accessing and using such materials. Network users are responsible for appropriate behaviour on RCDSB networks and while using RCDSB or personal electronic devices.

Additional Resources

Below are links to additional resources with information on the topic referenced above. The RCDSB, other government departments (provincial or federal) or third-party organizations may provide these additional resources: