Committees of the Board

The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) establishes a number of committees to govern the system in an effective and efficient manner, including statutory, standing and ad hoc (as needed) committees. Details regarding the roles and responsibilities of all committees can be found in RCDSB Policy 10.

Statutory Committees

There are four committees required by legislation under the Education Act and/or its Regulations.

Audit Committee – Under Ontario Regulation 361/10, the committee has duties related to the board’s financial reporting process, including a review of the board’s financial statements with members of the board, the director of education, a senior business official, and the external auditor(s). The committee has the ability to obtain expert advice, require staff attendance at meetings, hold in-camera meetings with auditors and have full access to all the District’s records. Three members of the board participate on this committee.

Parent Involvement Committee – Under Ontario Regulation 612/00, all school boards in Ontario are required to have a Parent Involvement Committee (PIC). The PIC is an essential advisory body as it supports, encourages and enhances parent/guardian engagement across the District in order to improve student achievement, equity and well-being. PIC serves an integral role by providing parents/guardians with the opportunity to voice their concerns, ideas and challenges. Two members of the board participate on this committee.

Special Education Advisory Committee – Under Ontario Regulation 464/97, every district school board shall establish a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). The SEAC advises trustees and school board administration regarding programs and/or services offered for students with special needs. This committee includes two members of the board and representatives from various local parent/guardian organizations. These representatives serve as advocates for children and their parents/guardians, and, share useful resources on behalf of the associations they represent.

Supervised Alternative Learning – Under Ontario Regulation 374/10, district school boards implement policies and programs, plans and processes that are intended to re-engage youth (14 to 17 years of age) who, for a variety of reasons, may not be attending school, and who therefore may be at risk of not graduating. The purpose of the Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) committee is to provide pupils who have significant difficulties with regular attendance at school with an alternative learning experience and individualized plan to enable the pupil to obtain their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Ontario Secondary School Certificate or other educational and personal goals. The trustee(s) for each family of schools attend(s) the SAL meetings scheduled for the schools in their respective areas. 

Standing Committees

There are several committees established by the Board to assist with work of an ongoing or recurring nature. These committees meet on a regular basis.

Finance & Resources Committee – The committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding the annual budget, human resources, asset management, and transportation, with the aim to constantly strengthen the efficiency and sustainability of all operations and infrastructure and to support both student and staff development, and economic responsibility. All trustees take part in this committee.

Program & Student Achievement – The committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding programs that improve student achievement and well-being, including the sharing of best practices that constantly improve engagement, exploration and achievement. All trustees take part in this committee.

Equity & Inclusion – The committee makes recommendations to the Board on safe, positive and inclusive learning environments to enhance the well-being of students and staff, including how best to support an environment that promotes and develops all aspects of wellness, equity and inclusion. All trustees take part in this committee.

Committee of the Whole – The committee provides trustees with information and, if necessary, take action or give direction as to the status of important committee or Board issues. All trustees take part in this committee.

Policy Review Committee – The committee reviews on a regular basis those policies which govern the Board of Trustees. Four members of the board participate on this committee, including the Chair and one trustee who serves as the OPSBA Board Director.  

Director’s Review Committee – The committee provides an annual evaluation for the Director that culminates with a full review in the fourth year of a five-year contract. Four members of the board participate on this committee, along with the Director of Education. 

Indigenous Education Advisory Committee – The committee advises trustees and school board administration regarding the unique needs of identified Indigenous students, as well as shared programming needs and opportunities. Three members of the board (including the Indigenous trustee) participate on this committee.  

Discipline Committee - The committee makes recommendations regarding disciplinary matters, including the potential suspension and/or expulsion of students. Three members of the board participate on this committee (including the Chairperson of the Board).

Other Committees

Members of the Board of Trustees also serve on a number of other committees that meet regularly, including: Student Senate, School Year Calendar Committee, and the Renfrew County Joint Transportation Consortium (RCJTC).

Our Board has one trustee and one alternate appointed as a Director to the provincial organization, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA).  There is also a voting delegate assigned for the Annual General Meeting which may be the Director or another trustee. As well, there are other opportunities for trustees to provide valuable input by being elected regionally to join one of two working groups or providing leadership as Eastern Regional Chair or Vice Chair. Ad hoc committees are also open to trustees from across the province

For a list of members of the Board of Trustees serving on Committees of the Board, please click here.