Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) is comprised of eight publicly-elected trustees. Elections are held every four years with the term of office beginning December 1st. The current term of office for the Board of Trustees is 2022-2026. One Indigenous trustee (appointed) and two student trustees complete the Board.
As advocates for their constituents, RCDSB trustees maintain a strong focus on student achievement, equity and well-being. Trustees serve as the link between our communities and our schools to ensure that system-wide decision making continues to meet the diverse needs of all students.
To meet your RCDSB Board of Trustees, please click here.
To view Board Committees and trustee appointments, please click here.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees
As is the case for every district school board in the province of Ontario, the RCDSB is governed by a Board of Trustees. Trustees are integral to ensuring that schools and systems operate within parameters established by the provincial government, and, that the programs and/or services offered throughout the District meet the needs of the diverse communities they serve.
At the RCDSB, the roles and responsibilities of trustees include:
- accountability for student achievement, equity and well-being in the District, as well as to the provincial government and the communities being served;
- development, implementation and evaluation of the Board’s policies;
- selection and evaluation of the Director of Education;
- creation of a multi-year strategic plan; and,
- stewardship of District resources.
In the fulfillment of their governance and fiduciary responsibilities under the Education Act, members of the Board of Trustees work diligently to maintain a focus on the achievement, equity and well-being of the District’s students and staff while representing the interests of their constituents. It is important to note that the Board of Trustees as a whole, and not an individual trustee, has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the District. All trustees are required to uphold any resolution (motion) approved by the Board. As an integral aspect of their duties, they are required to comply with the Trustee Code of Ethics.
The Board of Trustees ensures that the Director of Education implements the Board’s policies and all associated procedures. They entrust the effective and efficient operation of the organization to the organization’s staff, through the Director of Education, as their sole employee.
As elected officials, the Board of Trustees must balance the desires of their communities with the duties required by the Ministry of Education, including the oversight of implementation of provincial policy and the utilization of provincially-allocated funds.
Elected for a four-year term, a Trustee must be:
- a resident in the area of jurisdiction of the Board;
- a Canadian citizen;
- at least 18 years old;
- eligible to be an elector of that school board for which the person is a candidate; and
- not disqualified by any legislation from holding office.
In accordance with the Education Act and Ontario Regulation 357/06, Honoraria for Board Members, the RCDSB sets Trustee honoraria at $5,900 per annum (plus an amount based on enrolment) with an additional $5,000 for the Board Chair and $2,500 for the Vice-Chair, respectively, effective December 1, 2014, notwithstanding any future legislative changes which may impact this decision.
Queries related to the Board of Trustees, its committees, agendas and minutes of the Board, and reports may be directed to