Attendance Expectations
Regular attendance at school is very important for optimal student achievement. The Education Act and Ministry of Education guidelines require that students six years of age to 18 years of age attend school regularly, that schools report pupil absences to parents/guardians, and in cases of excessive or chronic student absenteeism, report these developments to external agencies for follow-up.
Attendance Management
Safe, caring and respectful schools guide all of the Renfrew County District School Board's (RCDSB) policies and procedures. Administrative Procedure 140 - Code of Conduct emphasizes that students come to school prepared, on time and ready to learn. When a student is absent from school, we investigate why and support every effort to have the student return to school. Parents/guardians should notify the school when their child is absent.
All of our schools base their first response to absenteeism on a safe arrival approach and early intervention, coupled with the school's daily attendance procedures. Principals define the early intervention approach for their teaching and support staff including the protocol for contacting parents/guardians. In addition, a school support counsellor may be assigned in response to student attendance patterns.
Additional Resources
Below are links to additional resources with information on the topic referenced above. The RCDSB, other government departments (provincial or federal) or third-party organizations may provide these additional resources: