Registration and Transfers


The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) welcomes you and your child to our school board!

We celebrate the unique contributions of each child and work every day to cultivate an environment that values imagination and innovation. We guide and support our students so that they are prepared for the the world ahead of them!

New or Returning Students to the RCDSBStudents Transferring Schools within the RCDSBContinuing Education

How to Register a Student New to the RCDSB


Please click on the School Locator button to verify the school boundary for your home address. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information, should there be any discrepency, the District has the final word.

School Locator

If no search results are found, please contact us to confirm the designated school for your address. Boundaries are subject to change/verification.  Should there be any discrepancy, the District shall make the final determination to confirm the designated school. The registration process begins at the designated home school.

DISCLAIMER:  The user agrees to view this information for general illustrative purposes only and accepts responsibility not to copy, modify or circulate the map information for any other purpose (ie. public or commercial).  The user agrees that the school shall confirm the school of attendance only when a completed registration application has been validated during the registration process.  The RCDSB is not liable for any misuse, misinterpretation or decisions made by users of this information.

Use the Online Pre-Registration button below to pre-register your child for school.  Please note: At this time mobile devices are not supported for the online pre-registration system. Please use a desktop computer, laptop or Chromebook. 

Before proceeding with the online pre-registration, please open the Aspen SIS OBC Online Registration Instruction Guide in order to follow the detailed step-by-step instructions.  Please note: required documentation identified below cannot be uploaded as an attachment during the online registration process. 

If you are interested in licensed child care, be sure to also fill out the School Based Extended Day Program Family Survey that is at the end of the online pre-registration form.

Online Pre-Registration

After you complete the online pre-registration, contact your home school to complete the registration process to arrange an in person appointment to provide the required original documentation identified below.

During the summer months (July and August only) when schools are closed, contact the RCDSB Board Office at

Required Documentation for Students New to RCDSB Schools (originals only)

  • Completed, signed and dated Student Registration Form
  • Proof of address (utility bill, home phone/cable/internet bill) or proof of tenancy/ownership (Ontario Property Assessment Notice or property tax bill or lease agreement)
  • Proof of Student's Age (birth certificate, registration of birth card or passport)
  • RCDSB schools do not collect immunization records.  Parents/guardians are to ensure the student’s immunization record is up to date by using the secure online ICON tool that is specific to Renfrew County and District. This provides Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) with an electronic file of immunization records.  It is important to verify that you are using the ICON website for RCDHU, by looking at the top, since ICON tools are specific to health unit regions.  Should you require assistance with using the tool or are having difficulty accessing the internet, please call the Health Unit Immunization Department at 613-732-3629 ext. 509 or check out the ICON Tool for School Registration FAQ sheet.  
  • Proof of custody where applicable (custody orders, court ordered Guardianship)
  • Immigration documents where applicable
  • School documents - recent report card and school leaving certificate
  • Transcript (for secondary school students)

If you are unable to register online, print the Adobe PDF Student Registration Form, complete the form, and then contact your home school to arrange an in person appointment to finalize the registration process.

How to Transfer Current Students within the RCDSB

If your child is a student at the RCDSB and is transferring schools within the RCDSB (due to a change of home address), please click on the School Locator button to verify the school boundary for your new home address. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and current information, should there be any discrepency, the District has the final word.

School Locator

If no search results are found, please contact us to confirm the designated school for your address. Boundaries are subject to change/verification.  Should there be any discrepancy, the District shall make the final determination to confirm the designated school. The registration process begins at the designated home school.

DISCLAIMER:  The user agrees to view this information for general illustrative purposes only and accepts responsibility not to copy, modify or circulate the map information for any other purpose (ie. public or commercial).  The user agrees that the school shall confirm the school of attendance only when a completed registration application has been validated during the registration process.  The RCDSB is not liable for any misuse, misinterpretation or decisions made by users of this information.

  • During the school year please contact the school's administrator of both the current school and the school at which you will be registering.
  • During summer months (July and August only) complete and return the Student Registration Form by: 
    • Email to or
    • Canada Post mail to Admissions Office, Renfrew County District School Board, 1270 Pembroke St. West, Pembroke, ON K8A 4G4

        and once the registration is complete, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the receiving school principal prior to the first day of school.

  • Notify the Renfrew County and District Health Unit by calling 613-732-3629 ext. 509

How to Register a Student for Continuing Education (18 years of age or and older)

Continuing Education is a unique learning program at the Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB). With multiple sites and pathways, it provides opportunities for students to experience a successful transition to five different destinations: high school diploma, employment, post-secondary, apprenticeship, and independence. Using a progression from International Languages/ESL, many upgrading programs through Literacy Basic Skills, and a variety of credit programs taught in-person (Arnprior, Renfrew, Pembroke or Petawawa), on-line or by correspondence, students have the flexibility to achieve their goals in timelines that work best for them.

For further registration information, please contact the Continuing Education department at 613-735-0151, ext. 3325.

Additional Information