Student Senate

The Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) has a Student Senate that acts as the official advisory body for our secondary school councils. 

The Senate membership consists of two student-elected representatives from each of our seven secondary schools, which make up the 14 Student Senate members each school year. 

The student representatives serve as an advisory body and planning committee for all student related issues within the RCDSB and report directly to the two elected Student Trustees who co-chair the Senate. 

The Senate meets every month at the Board office, or virtually if meeting in-person is not possible.

Student Trustee Co-Chairs

The Student Trustee co-chairs for the 2022/2023 School year are:

  • Taylor Novosedlik: Valour JK – 12 School, Petawawa

Taylor Novosedlik

  • Ava Beggs: Madawaska Valley District High School, Barry's Bay

Ava Beggs

Additional Resources 

Below are links to additional resources with information on the topic referenced above. The RCDSB, other government departments (provincial or federal) or third-party organizations may provide these additional resources: