Vision Exercise - Context for Elementary & Secondary School Reviews
In order to address short-, mid- and long-term aspects of strategic direction related to programs
and/or services offered by the District, a ‘vision exercise’ was conceptualized in the Fall of 2017.
Based upon a series of ‘Guiding Principles’ and organized by ‘Terms of Reference’, the
committee of stakeholders assembled to explore the matter quickly realized that two phases of
the vision would be needed – one at the elementary level and one at the secondary level.
The ‘first phase’ of the vision exercise took place over the course of the 2017-2018 school year,
and led to a multi-year expansion of programs and services that began in the Fall of 2018 at the
elementary level. Through the recommendations of the Elementary School Review approved by
the Board of Trustees, the renewed vision for public education at the elementary level:
- instituted French Immersion programs (Early French Immersion and/or Middle French Immersion) across all families of schools;
- created a consistent, system-wide ‘model for time allocation’ by grade, subject area/discipline, and language of instruction (K-8); and,
- permitted broader access to sites by user group through Community Use of Schools as a service.
The ‘RCDSB Programs – Elementary’ resource document was released in the Fall of 2018. It provided
details of the strategic direction implemented at the elementary level over a five-year period.
The ‘second phase’ of the vision exercise, initially launched in the Fall of 2019 and entitled ‘Re-
think@Secondary’, has served as a follow-up to strategic direction set at the elementary level.
The ‘Re-think@Secondary’ endeavours to reimagine the secondary school experience, with
revised Guiding Principles and Terms of Reference, and includes five key focus areas:
- program pathways;
- initiatives for student success;
- experiential learning opportunities;
- virtual learning environments; and,
- transitions to/from secondary school.
Of note, all stakeholders of the system – students, parents/guardians, staff, federation/union
partners, trustees, as well as members of our school communities through our advisory
committees – will be provided with the opportunity to share their ideas and perspectives,
suggestions and thoughts related to the re-think at the secondary level. The recommendations
of the Secondary School Review brought forward for approval by the Board of Trustees will
establish a renewed vision for public education at the secondary level.
The strategic direction related to programs and/or services offered by the District has served as an integral component of multi-year strategic planning processes over time, including the ‘Guiding Principles’ of the RCDSB’s 2017-2020 Strategic Plan and the ‘Strategic Priorities’ of the RCDSB’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025.